Sunday, July 28, 2013

Please Stop Planning Things

J has gone on 6 interviews this summer for various teaching positions at various schools.  This late in summer we were resolved that he was not being hired this school year and he would spend another school year as a substitute teacher.

Friday at 8:45 a.m. he had a follow-up interview with the superintendent of the school he interviewed with on Wednesday.  At the end of the interview, J shared with the superintendent that he felt he needed to be transparent and let him know that we are "Paper Pregnant."  He told him that we are adopting from Ukraine and it would require him traveling there in the near future.  (We figured this would be a deal breaker for any school).  The superintendent told him that he appreciated his transparency and he could probably give him 3 weeks off. (Well that sounds close to J getting the job????)  He told J that he would make a decision by Monday. Uuugggggh, all weekend long wondering, really?  But here is the thing, we were at peace with J being a substitute teacher next year.  In fact, we were looking forward to it.  That meant that he had no time limitations on staying in Ukraine to finish up the adoption process.  I could be there at the required appointments, then come back home to work while he finished up the paperwork and brought K home. We also thought that it would be great because he would have plenty of one-on-one time with her to start to teach her English (since he is an elementary teacher).  Actually the thought of J getting a job was kind of scary to us because we had our travel plans all planned out.

Friday at 3:30 p.m. the call came that we were both dreading and anticipating.  HE GOT THE JOB!!! "Woohoo" and "Oh no!" both came to my mind.  What do we do now?  Who is going to Ukraine?  How could I possibly take that much time off work?  Do I make it in 2 trips or 3?  And then the scariest of all scary thoughts hit me......I will be traveling to Ukraine BY MYSELF!!!!  This is NOT what I had planned.  Please pray for me.  I cannot begin to convey how petrified I am.  I am so serious.  I am so petrified that if I didn't have K's picture in a frame on my mantel, I would probably back out of this adoption with a "It's not the right time" excuse.

After the idea of J actually having a job started to sink into us both, J looks over at me, with a smile on his face, and says " I don't know how much more of God's intervention you need.  Would you please stop planning things for us!"

Oh, and I have been stalking my Fed Ex tracking number.  Our documents have left France.  I pray the documents are in Kiev by tomorrow, could it be possible. Sure but I'm not planning on it. LOL!!!

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