Monday, July 22, 2013

All Aboard the Dossier Roller Coast

On Monday July 15, 2013 our dossier was en route to Ukraine and it was scanned and emailed to our facilitator.  I had a Fed Ex tracking number and everything.  Life was good!  I had my predicted SDA appointment date picked out, heart drawn around the date....I was planning life and it was incredible.

Friday July 19th, 2013 I wake up to an email from our adoption agency.  Our medicals were completed by a nurse practitioner and now Ukraine was no longer accepting nurse practitioners.  We needed to see a doctor. But hold on here....we don't HAVE a doctor. I am freaking out at this point.  With these kind of re-dos the magical date on the calendar that I drew a big heart on is fading away.  OOOO, but there is more. Since the home study referred to the nurse practitioner, YEP you are right, that has to be fixed too. Now we have to get into see a doctor ASAP and have our social worker fix our home study.

OOOO, but here is more.  My criminal background check (that was notarized) was never signed. WHAT? How does something that is notarized by an employee of BCI, NOT be signed in the first place???  Oh yeah, that little heart on the calendar was fading.

So I did what all good Christian women do, I called my associate pastor at 7:30 a.m. and cried.  He reminded me that God has ordained a date that K.will be in our home and she will NOT arrive one day passed that date.  Annnnnd, he made a phone call, woohoo.  He called me back to say, go to the doctor now or wait until Tuesday.  Well, we obviously rushed off to the doctor that instant, little F. in toe.

Bless the heart of the doctor and her staff.  They were so kind and precious to us.  We got our documents filled out, and notarized, that morning. Ok, problem #1 resolved, CHECK!

I called BCI to try to get a new background check, but the woman was out until Monday.

I emailed our social worker about re-doing or updating our home study.  She would have to get back to me after she spoke to our agency.  So, I guess that means waiting until Monday too.

Sunday, as I shed tears recounting all these events for a lovely lady at church, she spoke words of comfort and truth to me.  "God has a positive reason for this delay.  We know it is for your good. It may be that He is aligning the right judge for just your case, so take comfort in the delay, its for your good!!"  WOW!  That hit me like a ton of bricks, so simple but so true.  So I smiled, comforted, and waited until Monday.

So today, we received the corrected criminal background form, it was notarized, BUT it had a rubber stamp signature this time.  SERIOUSLY (ok, trying to remember to take comfort in the delay).  I called back to try to speak to the lady to try to get right, for the 3rd time, but she had already left for the day.  Well sure she had!  So we wait until Tuesday...... trying to have comfort.

On a positive note, I went to a Christian bookstore today to try to order K. a bible in Russian.  As the lady was finishing my order I told her about K. and our adoption from Ukraine.  A young man working there overheard our conversation.  He said that he had went to Ukraine as a missionary and he had the New Testament in Ukrainian that he would give me. Well, yes sir!  Ma'am, cancel that order!!  What an awesome blessing.  I left the store, got in my car, and prayed, thanking my father for holding my hand today.  

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