Monday, November 25, 2013

Get Your Tissues

Today started pretty uneventful since E was in school all day. We are leaving her town at 3:00 am on Wednesday to head home to wait for court, so we did some laundry and some packing. I really hate to leave E but I am SO ready to see F, I miss that precious angel.  

J and L went to the toy store to look around and waste sometime while E was at school.  Of course he found a Hot Wheel with Russian writing. He was pretty excited. 

We arrived at the orphanage and E was finishing up her schoolwork.  Side note.....these kids have a TON of schoolwork. The kids in the states have nothing to complain about when it comes to the amount of homework, compared to these kids!  She finished her work and it was off to play ??????? yep, you guessed it.....Uno!!  She is getting closer to doing "The Bridge" after all of her practice.  Then onto Fruit Ninja.  She is very thoughtful.  She passes the IPad to the other kids as soon as her turn is over.  We added minutes to her phone (she was totally out) and she was VERY excited.  She added our Ukrainian phone numbers under "Momma and Poppa."  

Ok, here comes some sadness.  Our facilitator let her know that we were leaving Wednesday to go home to work while we wait for court, but we would be back.  And tomorrow is our last day.  She was heartbroken.  There were no tears, but we definitly anticipate them tomorrow.  She is so sweet and has opened up to us so much.  We can tell that the boys of the orphanage are picking on her.  We assume because she is leaving.  You don't have to speak the lanuage to recognize it.  We heard her say to one of them, very affirmatively, "Moy Poppa!!!!"  (My poppa!!!!)  

Ready for the tears???? Remember me telling you about O, the friend of E, that asked to go on the walk with us?  This girl has stolen my heart.  She is so timid and precious and thoughtful.  She just wants to be loved.  She waited for us outside today (E was inside doing her school work) to hug us and walk us into see E.  Well anyway, after they had dinner, our facilitator said that O wanted to talk to her in private.  Afterwards, we said goodnight giving hugs and kisses to both E and O.  As we were heading towards the bus, I asked if she would share what O wanted to talk to her about.  Here is comes..... O asked her if she could help her find a family like ours.  She wants to be in a family too!!!!  Are you crying now?????  How stinking sweet is that???  BREAKS MY HEART!!!!!  I really want to find a family for this precious girl, and will pray to God for guidance with her.  

Tomorrow is our last day with E until court.  We have been blessed by the director to be able to spend a little more time with her tomorrow outside of the orphanage. 


  1. We had a boy at our orphanage do the exact same thing. It is just heartbreaking and so hard.
