Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Answered Prayers

Friday we had a spaghetti dinner fundraiser hosted for our adoption. We were praying for $1500... We received $1314!!! And we had LOTS of left over food. Usually that would be a bad thing but not when you use it to bless others. The leftover salads and bread were given to a ministry that serves food and the gospel to whoever comes in and the desserts were given to Habitat for Humanity for a fundraiser dinner they were having the next night. It was such a wonderful evening. 

The next morning we woke up to an email informing us of our SDA appointment date and time!  Praise The Lord!  We are so excited but, like every mom, when I laid my head on my pillow that night....I started "The List!"  

Yesterday we sorted through all of our things that we have gathered these last few months and started to make...yes, that's right...a list!

Today was busy with buying plane tickets, aaaaand checking things off "The List!"

We still haven't been able to reach K. We had a sweet family add minutes to K's phone while they were in Ukraine for thier adoption. However, K's phone is shut off so she doesn't realize that she has minutes on her phone. We praying she tries to power it up soon. 

Thanks for all your prayers, we truly appreciate them! 

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